Thursday, November 8, 2007

3 factors to consider in designing sports performance training programs

Designing a quality sports performance training program requires a basic understanding of program design. 3 key factors that come into play are: Program Goal, Tools, and Scheduling.

In factor number one, determind the performance goal: are you looking to get faster, bigger or stronger? Wanna add a couple of inches on to your vertical jump or get a quicker first step?

After you decide the goal of your program, next see what types of equipment you have at your disposal that can help you attain that goal. If your goal is strength and power, check your arsenal for weight equipment, medicine balls and resistance bands. If speed and acceleration are your goals, you may wanna go through your inventory for speed chutes, resistance sprint leashes, etc. (a great line of performance equipment can be found at Pro Power

Next, determind a good workout schedule. Is this your in-season, off-season, or pre-season? Does your time permit you to train 3, 4, or 5 times per week?

Lots of other factors come into play when designing a good training program, but these are 3 to consider when designing a training program. This same appraoch is not limited to indivdual athletes---coaches can weigh these factors when designing and implementing team programs as well.

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