Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Box Jumps help aid in explosive power

Box jumps take plyometric training to another level. Your aim does not have to be an increased vertical jump to use box jumps in your athletic arsenal of traininng. Box jumps aid athletes in developing lower body power, stability, coordination and balance.

A good way to start is with the single explosive box jump and step off. Here is how it works:
  1. Select an adequate box height to start with
  2. Set your feet with a good athletic base, normally about shoulder width apart
  3. Use your arm action to propel you upwards as your hips explode from a slightly lowered position and raise your feet with good knee bend.
  4. Land softly on your 'power pads' on the surface of the box.
  5. Step down and repeat.

Total number of sets and reps vary, but a good place to start would be about 4 sets of 5 jumps per set. Allow about 90 seconds to 2 minutes to recover between each set to get the maximum out of each set. Wanna set it? Check out the vid below:

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