Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Bungee training with hops

Use a bungee cord to train forward/backwards motion, while mixing in different athletic actions. Here is how:

Place to cones about 5-7 yards apart near a secure object. Put a belt around your waist that is attached to a latex bungee cord (you can find one at ProPowerTraining.com). After attaching bungee unit to yourself and a secure object, and perform a backwards one legged bunny hop to it. As soon as you reach the cone, IMMEDIATELY perform a backwards run to the starting cone. Repeat.

Perfom this back and forth action to the cones 4 times, only counting each rep when you reach first cone. See sample video below:

The Drill can also be performed by bunny hopping in both directions (see below)

Check out the vids and add the drills to your performance training.

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