Thursday, December 6, 2007

Med/Physio 'ball' Push ups

Get on the ball! Regular floor push ups are a standard body weight exercise that athletes have been doing for years. Jump start your body weight push ups by adding 'balls' into the mix.

Start out by placing your feet on a physio ball, and then both of your hands on two medicine balls. With your body stable and chest off of the ground, begin your push ups in a smooth, controlled manner.

Here are some tips to follow:
  • keep your abs tight to control your torso from swaying
  • "grip" the balls with your finger tips, keeping the wobbling to a minimum
  • maintain a straight position from the top of your head to your feet--don't arch or curve your body

Start out with about 4-6 sets of 10-12 reps, then increase incrementally from there. As you progress, add these variations:

  1. Instead of two hands on the ball, place both hands on one ball
  2. Place one hand on ball, one on the floor, with feet on physio ball
  3. Perform the push ups with feet on floor, and both hands either on the medicine balls, or the physio ball

Ball push ups are a great way to combine the use of strength exercises with core, stability and balance training. Add balls to the mix to create workouts that are challenging in order to make your sports performance even better!

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