Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Unilateral Strength Training = "One Limb"

Training with one limb performing and exercise at a time is called "unilateral training". Unilateral training is different from it's counter part bilateral training in that each exercise focus' on each limb working independantly of one another.

Unilateral strength training enables athletes and coaches to discover and address weakness' and imbalance by working one limb at a time. Samples of strength exercises for unilateral training include working with one limb at a time via dumbbells, cable stacks, or bands with handles.

Popular unilateral exercises include (but not limited to), DB presses, DB step ups, DB lunges, DB push jerk and one arm cable pulls.

Unilateral exercise also greatly improve strength in bilateral movements such as barbell squats and barbell bench presses.

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