Saturday, October 27, 2007

Post-Workout liquid nutrition for explosive training results

Wanna get the best results from your workouts? Try liquid nutrition with a carb-protein combination---this simple tip can do wonders for your performance nutrition.

Post strength training workouts is the most optimal time to consume much need nutrition for recovery and regeneration. However, the breaking down of what we consume into usable nutrients can be a very "mechanical" process for the body, and afterall, we want the nutrients into our bodies ASAP.

The answer? Liquid nutrition. A simple protein shake within 45-minutes following workouts has the ability to get much needed nutrients to your system faster than solid food which has to be broken down by the body.

An added tip would also be to make sure whatever protein you consumed also contained some carbs. Studies have shown protein to be utilized by the body more efficiently when combined with carbs.

Check out these two books, "Advanced Sport Nutrition" or "Power Eating" for more great sports performance nutrition tips!

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